The nearest convenient airports are the Newark (NJ) International Airport (which is preferred) and the Harrisburg (PA) International Airport. Please arrive one day before the start of the conference. Contact MVBC ahead of time if you need transportation from either of these two airports.
Mountain View Bible Camp99 Mt View Lane
Danville, PA, USA 17821
From 1-80:
- Take exit 224 onto Route 54.
- Proceed east for 3.6 miles.
- Cross river and railroad tracks.
- Bear right onto Sunbury Road.
- After .2 of a mile turn left onto Avenue G (to Snydertown).
- Stay on main road for 5 miles.
- Turn left after large farm on left.
- Go 2.2 miles to MVBC entrance on left.
(Believers Bookshelf is just past MVBC driveway on right).
For additional directions visit the MVBC website.